Page 65 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 65

Satanism operates in various  lieve in the Hereafter, and their
               countries under different names.  idea of sin is quite perverse.
               One of these is Yazidism, one of  Learning how to read or write,
               the oldest false religions in    and the domestication of animals
               Mesopotamia. It worships  Melek  are regarded as sins. According to
               Taus, another name for satan. It is  this strange religion, if a Yazidi
               estimated that there are about 200  hears a Muslim seeking refuge
               thousand Yazidis living in north of  with Allah from satan, he must kill
               Iraq and Syria, in eastern Turkey,  him. If he does not do so, he must
               Germany, Georgia and Armenia.    commit suicide as a sacrifice to
               The Yazidis do not use words be-  Melek Taus. And if he does not do
               ginning with the letters “sh” or “t”  this, he must fast for a week to be
               and never say the name of the sa-  cleansed from his sin. All this
               tan they worship. But they call  shows that those who follow this
               him “Melek Taus.” In this perverse  clearly false religion are in great
               religion of theirs, the sun, moon  error.
               and stars are holy.
                    The Yazidis have two so-
               called holy books: the  Kitêba
               Cilwe (Book of Revelation) and the
               Mishefa Refl (Black Book), in which
               two books their basic principles
               are found. The Yazidis do not be-

               Representations of
               the false sun god, re-
               garded as holy by the
               false Mesopotamian
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