Page 60 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 60

phy of love, peace and brotherhood; but an anti-religious way of
                 thinking that focuses on the concept of humanity—of simply be-
                 ing human, and nothing more—as a person’s single goal.
                     As its adherents openly state, humanism is an atheistic
                 movement. According to humanism, man and the universe were
                 not created. Man came into being spontaneously and is not re-
                 sponsible to any other beings. The essential thing is man himself,

                 and no entity is more important than man.
                     As you have gathered, moreover, what dominates humanism
                 is the idea of self-interest. According to this, human beings come
                 to Earth only once. And the more benefits they can obtain while
                 they are here, the better. In that case, the chief criteria that should
                 determine a person’s attitudes and behavior will be his own wish-
                 es and desires. However, these are views that will inflict terrible

                 harm on humanity.
                     First of all, contrary to what humanists maintain, the uni-
                 verse is not the work of blind chance. Almighty and Omnipotent
                 Allah created it. And, as He states in one verse, “I only created
                 jinn and man to worship Me” (Surat adh-Dhariyat, 56), we hu-
                 mans are servants of our Lord Who created us from nothing, and
                 are charged with exhibiting the moral values He has commanded.
                     It must not be forgotten that the only moral values that will
                 bring people true peace and happiness are those commanded by

                 Allah in the Qur’an. Ideas supported by those who turn their
                 backs on religious moral values under the influence of ideologies
                 like humanism will produce individuals who consider only their
                 own interests, and who grow ruthless, disloyal, loveless and de-
                 void of compassion.
                     As you can see, humanism holds views that pose a grave

                      The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism
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