Page 57 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 57

Adnan Oktar

               came to mind and from satisfying their every desire. In other
               words, people should be allowed to rule themselves by obeying
               every impulse commanded by their lower selves.
                    But such a system would prove very dangerous. Allah tells
               us in the Qur’an that lower self indeed commands man to wreak
               evil acts (Surah Yusuf, 53). But at the same time, Allah also in-
               spires us in how to avoid depravity (Surat ash-Shams, 8).

                    Besides, He tells us that satan’s primary purpose is to lead
               man into evil:
                    . . . Anyone who follows in satan’s footsteps should know
                    that he commands indecency and wrongdoing. . .  (Surat an-
                    Nur, 21)
                    And one of his chief weapons is the own self of a human.

               Because one’s lower self always urges one towards evil, the per-
               son who obeys it is in a great danger. Human happiness and sal-
               vation are possible only by rejecting the commands of the lower
               self and obeying one’s conscience absolutely. The fated end of a
               person who does evil, thinking that he will achieve salvation as a
               result, is utter disappointment:
                    That Day, man will remember what he has striven for and
                    the Blazing Fire will be displayed for all who can see. As for
                    him who overstepped the bounds and preferred the life of
                    this world, the Blazing Fire will be his refuge. (Surat an-
                    Nazi‘at, 35-39)

                    Indeed, satanism is a philosophy that leads its followers to
               divinize—and to honor and worship—their own selves and to
               think that attaining their own desires is their only goal in life. In
               this, satanism is much akin to the philosophy of humanism.
               Contrary to what most people think, humanism is not a philoso-

                                        Harun Yahya
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