Page 53 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 53

hat we have outlined so far il-
                                         lustrates the true face of satan
                                         who has taken so many satan-
                                         ists under his influence. At this

                       point, it now will be useful to consider a brief his-
                       tory of how satanism came to be.
                           Satanists have long been associated with the
                       Cabbalists, Rosicrucians and other secret, mystical
                       orders of the Middle Ages and later. Modern, orga-
                       nized satanism first appeared in California in the
                           In 1966, Anton Szandor LaVey announced
                       that he had founded the Church of Satan. But ac-

                       tually, at the beginning of the 20th century, long
                       before LaVey, Aleister Crowley laid the founda-
                       tions of what would become modern satanism.
                       Known as “The Beast 666,” Crowley became infa-
                       mous for his evil spells, and rituals with liberal use
                       of narcotics in masses and in which animals were
                       sacrificed. Crowley’s basic philosophical principle

                       was “Do what thou wilt.”
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