Page 55 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 55
An apron worn in Rosicrucian Another ritual costume—an im-
rituals portant element of perverse
His philosophy was expounded in The Book of Law, which, ac-
cording to Crowley, satan made him write. This perverse admoni-
tion dictates that, no matter what disaster of evil may ensue, a
person must follow whatever impulse comes to mind. For exam-
ple, if anyone feels like having some excitement, he shouldn’t re-
strain himself. If he feels angry at someone, he shouldn’t hold it
in. And, if he thinks about killing someone, he should do it right
These abnormal ideas are bound to destroy the peace and
harmony of any community. Yet Crowley defends them in the fol-
lowing words:
Harun Yahya