Page 64 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 64

One basic feature of satanism is its opposition to religious
                 morality and everything related to it. And this opposition is not
                 limited to the realm of ideas; satanists are atheists and are hostile
                 to all religious values. The basic purpose of LaVey’s brand of sa-
                 tanism is to oppose Christianity. He expresses his hostility to reli-
                 gion in the following words:

                     Satanism isn’t just an atheistic stance but an *anti*-theistic
                     stance. Mankind is quickly overpopulating this planet; we can
                     no longer afford the luxury of faith . . . In order to survive, we
                     must smash this 2000-year-old habit of passivity and death-ad-
                     oration. There are realistic solutions that can be implemented
                     immediately. Christianity, as always, is the only thing standing
                     in the way of progress. 5
                     These words of LaVey’s express a world view strikingly sim-
                 ilar to that of 19th-century materialism. This is very instructive
                 because it shows us once again the danger inherent in any at-
                 tempt to remove religion from society and how such attempts can

                 lead to disaster. Satanism is the perfect example of how every per-
                 versity can flourish where religion is absent. When they do not
                 fear Allah, people may even devolve into fiends who take delight
                 in bloodshed.
                     If many people, especially youth, are drawn into the scourge
                 of satanism, it is due directly to those ideologies envisaging a life
                 free of religion. Therefore, it will be useful to examine the connec-
                 tions between satanism and ideologies whose basic principles in-
                 clude the legitimacy of living a life that’s free and unrestrained,

                 the rejection of law and order, and opposition to every moral val-

                      The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism
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