Page 71 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 71
Adnan Oktar
LaVey maintained that
human beings should live
according to their so-
called “carnal nature.”
ervoir of power inside each
human to be tapped at will. 7
Similarly, an article on satan-
ism in The Washington Post reports
that LaVey’s group does not believe in satan or worship him.
According to LaVey, the devil is a symbol of man’s carnal na-
ture—his lust, greed, vengeance, but most of all, his ego. You
will notice that satanism’s basic tenet is that human nature is sav-
age and pitiless. However, pitilessness, violence, savagery, greed,
selfishness and vengeance are not human qualities; they belong to
the lower self. And, as pointed out earlier, every individual has
the ability to overcome them by his will and conscience.
The chief reason why satanists are so insistent in their claims
about human nature is that they’ve been greatly influenced by
Darwin’s theory of evolution. This dogma goes under the guise of
a scientific theory and forms the ideological basis of satanism, as
it has in the case of many other ideas that have been disastrous to
humanity. The words “Man living as his prideful, carnal nature
dictates,” expresses in a sense the essence of satanism. According
to the perverse views of satanists, human evolution has produced
a species of animal that must survive as other animals do.
In an article entitled “Satan Really Wants You,” Rick Hall, an
Harun Yahya