Page 85 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 85

Adnan Oktar

                    In commenting on Gilmore’s article, Dr. Kristiansen said that
               in any such society where this ideology is put into practice, the so-
               cial fabric and the various programs to aid the poor and needy
               would come to an end. In place of these support programs, means
               would be put in place to make it easy for the rich and powerful to

               achieve their goals. And those who balked against these laws
               would receive their punishment: for example, they would be used
               as forced labor in order to supply the needs of the prominent
               members of society. 23

               Satanist morality dictates
               that every program de-
               signed to help the poor
               and the needy should be
               terminated. According to
               the perverse values of sa-
               tanists, the weak must be

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