Page 86 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 86
As we see, in societies ruled by satanism and its guiding
idea, Darwinism, the people will be led into disaster. But the mor-
al commands of Allah found in the Qur’an will always bring a so-
ciety prosperity, contentment and peace. Where the morality of
the Qur’an is practiced, the weak and the needy are cared for, ev-
eryone is treated equally, and the rights of the downtrodden are
Aleister Crowley, who exerted considerable influence on
modern satanism, claimed that he received messages directly
from satan. One of these said:
Let my servants be few and secret: they shall rule the many
and the known . . . . We have nothing with the outcast and the
unfit; let them die in their misery. . . . Pity not the fallen! I
never knew them. I am not for them. I console not; I hate the
consoled and the consoler. 24
In short, the Church of Satan says, “Do not help the poor, the
hungry or the weak; let them die. This is the law of nature. Thus,
the population will grow smaller. And the powerful will have
more opportunities!” The order of a society founded on this in-
sane satanist ideology will not be far different from life in a sav-
age jungle.
Of course, this cruel and pitiless doctrine is not the invention
of satanists themselves. These ideas were first expressed in the
19th century by the English economist Thomas Malthus in his
book, An Essay on the Principle of Population. In this work he wrote
that, in order to prevent an excessive increase in world popula-
tion, society must abandon the care of the poor and the weak. An
The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism