Page 97 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 97

Adnan Oktar

                    One of satanism and
               Fascism’s favorite theories is
                                                                    The theory
               the theory of eugenics,                               of eugen-
               which argues that the                                 ics, which
                                                                       used to
               handicapped and the
               sick    should     be                                 people ac-
               “cleansed” from soci-                                 cording to
                                                                     the size of
               ety and that healthy
                                                                   their skulls,
               individuals    should                                 is also ac-
               multiply by marrying                                  cepted by
               one another. This was ac-
               tually practiced especially in
               Nazi Germany. According to this
               theory, just as healthy animals produce healthy offspring, so the

               human race could be improved. And any elements in society that
               prevented this improvement (namely, the chronically ill and the
               physically and mentally handicapped) must be weeded out. In
               keeping with this distorted way of thinking, tens of thousands of
               people with mental and hereditary illnesses were murdered.
                    Yet satanism still defends these terrible crimes. The satanists’
               view of eugenics can be read in their own publications:
                    Satanists also seek to enhance the laws of nature by concentrat-
                    ing on fostering the practice of eugenics. . . It is the practice of
                    encouraging people of talent and ability to reproduce, to en-
                    rich the gene pool from which our species can grow. This was
                    commonly practiced throughout the world. . . Until the genet-
                    ic code is cracked and we can choose the character of our off-
                    spring at will, Satanists seek to mate the best with the best. 29

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