Page 102 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 102
Youth who are beginning to fall under the influence of the
dark urgings of satanism may not know what a great danger they
are in. They enter this morass based on the suggestion that they
can live freely, disregard their elders’ rules and stand on their
own two feet. But they may not realize that this ideology will
soon bring disaster on them and their friends. Thinking that they
are being introduced to an interesting new secretive world, they
may easily get caught up in its current. Therefore, it is vitally im-
portant that young people be fully informed about satanism and
become aware of its dangers.
What we have considered so far should be a guide for any
guardian, educator or social scientist who wonders where this sa-
tanism problem came from. If someone tells people that they are
a species of animal evolved from apes, and if this deception is reg-
ularly and habitually repeated in newspapers, magazines, and
even supposedly scientific textbooks and professional lit-
erature, it is quite understandable that satanism
and similar violent ideologies should devel-
op throughout that society.
This situation must be taken seri-
ously; and education systems, cul-