Page 13 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 13

riginating in the 1700’s, sa-
                                       tanism has recently made itself
                                       known once again in acts of hor-

                                       ror, violence and suicide. At first
                        glance, the way in which satanists describe
                        themselves, their outlook on life, their values,
                        and their horrible culture of bloodshed may
                        seem incredible to people. But current events
                        show that this perversion is a growing danger.
                             Satanists often identify themselves by the
                        frightening make-up and outfits they wear. The
                        media reports their bloody rites, depicting dis-

                        quieting scenes of the slaughter of animals, tor-
                        ture of humans, rape and suicide. When these
                        kinds of news reports are brought together, a
                        frightening picture appears.
                             It may come as a surprise that people accept
                        that this perverse way of life and thinking can be
                        called a religion. How is this possible? How can

                        anyone think that performing evil acts, injuring
                        animals and other human beings and creating a
                        world of fear and darkness to live in can give
                        any purpose to life—much less be called a reli-
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