Page 17 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 17
nce again, the increasing
instances of satanic murders
and suicides in many countries
have made many people curious
about what satanism really is. But the research,
discussions and publications attempting to an-
swer this question have not gone very far.
Satanism has often been depicted as a
strange movement among psychologically dis-
turbed youth who are marginalized and alien-
ated from their families and friends. But to re-
duce satanism to such a simple basic denomi-
nator phenomenon and not to make the public
familiar with the violent side of this perverse
religion is a grave omission.
Contrary to much that has been written
and said about it, satanism has deep roots and
rests on a dark philosophy. It has designs upon
the future of the world, and its dark church
with its thousands of members, together with
its publications, make it one of the most dan-
gerous organizations in the 21st century.