Page 19 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 19

Adnan Oktar

                    Most satanists associate satan with such values as pride, inde-
                    pendence, individuality, knowledge, achievement, thinking
                    for oneself, and exploring unknown and forbidden realms.   1
                    We can see that the basic starting point of this perverse

               movement is the acceptance of satan and all his qualities as a
               guide, or model of how to live in the world.
                    In later chapters, we will consider the basic foundation and
               building blocks of satanism and look briefly at the history of this

               half-religion, half-movement that is gaining adherents every day
               from all around the world. To begin with, in order to understand
               satanism better, we will first examine relevant verses in the
               Qur’an that deal with satan and the mindset he represents.

                                         Satanists oppose moral laws and
                                         social values. For them, it is very
                                         important to rebel against order
                                         and display their rebelliousness.
                                         Eventually this turns them into
                                         savages who take pleasure in
                                         shedding blood.
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