Page 21 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 21
Adnan Oktar
To begin dealing with the subject of satanists, we must
first realize that a great many of them are atheists and mate-
rialists; that is, they believe that only matter exists. It is vital
to keep this preconception of theirs in mind when investigat-
ing the satanists’ way of thinking. Many satanists entirely re-
ject the existence of Allah and the otherworldly reality of an-
gels and jinns mentioned in the Qur’an. Therefore, they do
not even believe in satan as an actual being. For them, he is
merely a symbol of hostility toward any kind of organized re-
In spite of this, satanists have deified this symbolic fig-
ure in their eagerness to embrace their perverse ideologies
and rituals as a religion. In keeping with their absurd rules,
they worship satan, performing perverse ceremonies and rit-
uals dictated by their clan leader. Their symbols, vestments,
Satanists make aberrant ceremonies to fulfill the ritu-
als determined by their clan leaders and develop a so-
called satanic religion with their symbols, clothes,
rules and rituals.