Page 18 - The Light of the Qur'an has Destroyed Satanism
P. 18

                  adopt all
                  kinds of im-
                  openly ad-
                  mitting that
                  they wor-
                  ship satan.

                     First, it must be said that among satanists, there are differen-

                 ces of practice and points of view. These differences have some-
                 times made it difficult to determine what satanists actually be-
                 lieve. For example, some assume that it was satan who created the
                 Earth, and that they must therefore obey his will (the Yazidis are

                 included in this group). Others view satan only as a personified
                 symbol by which they can divinize their own desires.
                     Of course, these differences of philosophy do nothing to mit-
                 igate the perversity of satanist philosophy in general. Even if sa-

                 tanists are not united in one single organization, their basic beliefs
                 are essentially the same—which beliefs can be summarized as fol-

                      The Light of the Qur’an Has Destroyed Satanism
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