Page 14 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 14
them, which We had established on earth far more firmly
than We have established you? We sent down from heaven
upon them an abundant rain and made rivers flow under
them. But We destroyed them for their wrong actions and
raised up further generations after them. (Surat al-An‘am,
In addition, such people should know that mocking the believ-
ers, as well as making provocative and slanderous comments about
religion, are only leading them toward endless torment. Moreover,
such activities only exalt in the hereafter those whom they are sup-
posed to hurt in this world: the believers. In the Qur'an Allah re-
veals this important secret:
To those who do not believe, the life of this world is
painted in glowing colors and they laugh at those who be-
lieve. But on the Day of Resurrection, those who fear [and
respect] Allah will be over them. Allah provides for who-
ever He wills, without any reckoning. (Surat al-Baqara,
In the Qur'an Allah states that throughout almost every period
of history, those who have denied the faith have exhibited the same
immoral behavior, used the same words, cited the same examples,
and committed the same acts. Mockery is one type of such behavior.
The common behavior displayed by those who do not live by the
Qur'an's morality is one of Allah's unchanging laws. Therefore, be-
lievers who encounter such behavior are actually pleased, because
they are experiencing a truth mentioned in the Qur'an. In fact, they
actually take pride in it, because they know that this shows that they
are true believers. The knowledge that they will be rewarded in the
hereafter for their patience in the face of such behavior further in-
creases their pleasure. As we can see, people who reject or oppose