Page 18 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 18
evil. What little heed they pay! The Hour is coming – there
is no doubt about it. But most people have no faith. (Surah
Ghafir, 57-59)
As in the above verses Allah informs us, most people become
proud of the characteristics that He has given them as a blessing,
and thus fall into the trap of arrogance because they cannot under-
stand His power and greatness. One of the ways in which they re-
veal their internal arrogance is by mocking others. As stated earlier,
they believe they can make themselves superior by making others
feel small. As a result, mockery is very widespread in societies that
are far from religion.
Moreover, their internal superiority complex compels them to
see only the other person's defects, not his or her good aspects.
Every one is proud of one or more of his or her characteristics: suc-
cess, beauty, wealth, and so on. As a result, they compare them-
selves with others who they consider deficient in these
characteristics and then mock them, even though Allah gave them
these characteristics and can withdraw them at any time.
Due to their estrangement from religion, mockery has become
an inseparable part of these societies' normal life. Children and
young people alike all grow up with this culture and this moral de-
fect. In the pages to come, we will examine how those who mock
others actually suffer from mockery themselves, and how this be-
havior traps them in a stressful environment.