Page 15 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 15
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 13
the Qur'an's morality cannot really harm the true believers. When
they consider this truth, the believers understand even better that all
such mockery is really an honor, for Allah says in the Qur'an: "…
you will hear many abusive words from those given the Book be-
fore you and from those who are idolaters. But if you are steadfast
and guard against evil, that is the most resolute course to take"
(Surah Al ‘Imran, 186). We are given the good news that in the here-
after, those who mocked the believers will be brought low:
Say: "Shall I inform you of the greatest losers in their ac-
tions? People whose efforts in the life of this world are mis-
guided, while they suppose that they are doing good."
These are the people who reject their Lord's signs and the
meeting with Him. Their actions will come to nothing, and
on the Day of Resurrection We will not assign them any
weight. This is their repayment – hell – because they did
not believe and mocked My signs and My messengers.
Those who believe and do right actions will have the
Gardens of paradise as hospitality, remaining in them
timelessly, forever, with no desire to move away from
them. (Surat al-Kahf, 103-108)
The book in your hand explains these truths and describes the
trap into which unbelievers fall when they try to mock others. In ad-
dition, the concept of mockery is examined from different angles
and is explained in light of the Qur'an.