Page 69 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 69
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 67
ated. In order to do so, they resort to falsehoods. Evolutionary the-
ory is one key example of their lies and vain endeavors to this end.
The basic mistake of those who deny Allah is shared by many
others who don't actually deny His existence, but have wrong per-
ceptions of Him. These people, constituting the majority of society
in some countries, do not deny Creation openly, but have supersti-
tious beliefs about Allah, most believing that He is only "up in the
sky." They tacitly and falsely imagine that Allah is off behind some
very distant planet and only occasionally interferes with worldly af-
fairs. Or perhaps He doesn't intervene at all: He created the uni-
verse, and then left it to itself, leaving humans to determine their
fates for themselves. (Surely Allah is beyond that.)
Still others are aware of the fact that Allah is "everywhere," as
revealed in the Qur'an, but cannot fully understand what this
means. Superstitiously, they think that Allah surrounds all matter
like radio waves or like an invisible, intangible gas. (Allah is cer-
tainly beyond that.)
However, this and other notions that cannot clarify "where"
Allah is (and unwisely deny His apparent existence perhaps be-
cause of this) are all based on a common mistake: They hold a
groundless prejudice that moves them to wrong opinions about
What is this prejudice? It concerns the existence and nature of
matter. Some people have been so conditioned to the mistaken ideas
about the true nature of matter that they may have never thought
about it thoroughly. Modern science, however, demolishes this prej-
udice about the nature of matter and discloses a very important and
imposing truth. In the following pages, we will explain this great re-
ality pointed to in the Qur'an.