Page 68 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 68


                       The Secret Beyond Matter

                 Those who contemplate their surroundings conscientiously
            and wisely realize that everything in the universe—both living and
            non-living—must have been created. So the question becomes,
            "Who is the Creator of all these things?"
                 It is evident that the Creation that reveals itself in every aspect
            of the universe cannot be an outgrowth of the universe itself. For ex-
            ample, no insect could have created itself, nor could the solar system
            have created or organized itself. Neither could plants, humans, bac-
            teria, red-blood cells, nor butterflies have created themselves. As
            this book explains throughout, any possibility that all these could
            have originated "by chance" is unimaginable.
                 Therefore, we arrive at the following conclusion: Everything
            that we see has been created, but nothing we see can itself be a "cre-
            ator." The Creator is different from—and superior to—all that we
            see, a Superior Power Who is invisible to our eyes, but Whose exis-
            tence and attributes are revealed in everything that He creates.
                 This is where those who deny Allah's existence are led astray.
            They are conditioned not to believe in Allah's existence unless they
            see Him with their own eyes, forced to conceal the actuality of
            Creation manifested all throughout the universe, and to claim that
            the universe and all the living things it contains have not been cre-
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