Page 85 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 85
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar) 83
Allah created them, but think that the work they do belongs to them.
However, every action performed by a human being is created with
the permission of Allah. For example, a person who writes a book
writes it with the permission of Allah; every sentence, every idea,
and every paragraph is composed because Allah wills it. Allah re-
veals this very important principle in several verses; one of these
verses is, "... Allah created both you and what you do?". (Surat as-
Saffat: 96) In the verse "... when you threw; it was Allah Who
threw... ," (Surat al-Anfal: 17) Allah reveals that everything we do is
an act that belongs to Him.
A person may not want to concede this reality; but this changes
Understanding the Reality of Matter Removes
Worldly Ambitions
What we have described so far is one of the most profound
truths that you have heard in your whole life. We have shown that
the whole material world is really a shadow, and that this is the key
to understanding the existence of Allah, His Creation, and the fact
that He is the one absolute Being. At the same time, we have pre-
sented a scientifically undeniable demonstration both of how help-
less human beings are and a manifestation of Allah's wonderful
artistry. This knowledge makes people assured believers making it
impossible for them not to believe. This is the main reason why
some people avoid this truth.
The things that are being explained here are as true as a physi-
cal law or a chemical formula. When necessary, human beings can
solve the most difficult mathematical problems and understand
many very complex matters. However, when these same people are
informed that throughout their lives they have experience of only