Page 88 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 88
one another in the performance of good and noble deeds. People
will change the values according to which they judge others.
Material things will lose their value and therefore, people will be
judged not according to their standing and position in society but
according to their moral character and their piety. No one will pur-
sue things whose external originals cannot be reached; everyone
will seek after truth. Everyone will act without worrying about what
others will think; the only question in their minds will be whether or
not Allah will be pleased with what they do. In the place of the feel-
ings of pride, arrogance and self-satisfaction that come from posses-
sions, property, standing and position, there will be a sense of the
understanding of humility and dependence. Therefore, people will
willingly live according to those examples of good moral qualities
mentioned in the Qur'an. Eventually, these changes will put an end
to many problems of today's societies.
In place of angry, aggressive people, anxious even about small
profit, there will be those who know that what they see are images
Allah shows them. They will be well aware that reactions of anger
and loud shouting make them look foolish. Well-being and trust
will prevail in individuals and societies and everyone will be
pleased with his life and possessions. These, then, are some of the
blessings that this hidden reality will bring to individuals and soci-
eties. Knowing, considering and living according to this reality will
bring much more goodness to human beings. Those who wish to at-
tain this goodness should consider this reality well and endeavor to
understand it. In one verse, Allah says,
Clear insights have come to you from your Lord. Whoever
sees clearly, does so to his own benefit. Whoever is blind, it
is to his own detriment... (Surat al-An‘am: 104)