Page 86 - The Evil Called Mockery
P. 86
the images formed in their mind, and that they have no connection
with the original of matter, they have no desire at all to understand.
This is an "exaggerated" case of an inability to understand, because
what is discussed here is no more difficult than the answer to the
questions, "What is two times two?" or "How old are you?". If you
ask any scientist or professor of neurology where they see the
world, they will answer you that they see it in their brains. You will
find this fact even in high school biology text books. But despite the
fact that it is clearly evident, information pertaining to the fact that
we perceive the material world in our brains and the results that this
information entails for human beings can be overlooked. It is of
major significance that one of the most important scientifically
proven facts is so carefully hidden from people's eyes.
The fundamental reason why people easily accept all scientific
facts, yet are so afraid to accept this one, is that learning the truth
about matter will basically change the way everyone looks at life.
Those who believe that matter and the self are absolute beings will
discover one day that they have merely dealt with the reflection in
their minds of everything they have worked for and protected based
on this idea - their spouses, their children, their wealth, even their
own personalities. People are very afraid of this reality and pretend
not to understand it even if they do. They try with determination to
disprove the facts, which are simple enough for even a primary
school child to understand. The reason behind this opposition is
that they are afraid to lose what this world offers.
For someone who is attached to his possessions, his children, or
the transient offerings of this world, the illusory nature of matter is
cause for great fear. At the moment such a person understands this,
he will have died before his natural death, and he will have surren-
dered his possessions and his soul. In the verse, "If He did ask you