Page 10 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 10

hroughout the years, people have
                             observed their universe and tried to un-
                         cover its secrets. To answer some thorny ques-
                  tions, many scientists have made important discoveries,
                  considering the restrictions of the age they lived in; and oth-
                  ers have been noteworthy in their own times, yet the claims
                  they made later came to be regarded as scientific errors.
                       Claudius Ptolemy was a scientist and philosopher of the

                  second century CE, who lived in Alexandria when it was the
                  center of scientific research. He observed the skies in order to
                  learn about the universe and the world's place in it and pon-
                  dered the movements of the Sun, Moon and stars. Finally, he
                  concluded that the Earth must be the center of the universe.
                  According to his theory, the Earth was motionless, and the

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