Page 15 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 15

creased. His experiments demonstrated the source of fire.
                Objects burn when they absorb oxygen. The hypothetical sub-
                stance called phlogiston had never existed!
                    Another example of an historic scientific error is the "ex-

                planation" for the origin of electricity. In the 1780s, Italian
                physician Luigi Galvani performed experiments with animals
                and suddenly came across a new source of electricity—or so
                he believed. In his experiments with frogs, he saw the frog's
                leg muscles contract when in contact with metal. As a result,
                he concluded that metal extracts electricity from the muscles
                and nerves of animals.
                    Galvani had performed this experiment on one single leg
                with one piece of metal. However, Alessandro Volta, a col-

                league of his who suspected the real explanation behind this
                experiment, began his own work on the subject. He attached
                two ends of a wire to a frog's leg and observed no muscular
                                              contraction. After this, Volta
                                             went on to refute the proposal         Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
                                             that electricity came from a frog

                                                  Once upon a time, frogs were also the
                                                  subject of a scientific error that deceived

                     Luigi Galvani

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