Page 18 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 18

support of Darwinism over the past 150 years have all been
                  rendered invalid. All the alleged "proofs" of evolution have
                  been refuted, one by one. Soon, all those in the scientific com-
                  munity who are laboring under the delusion of such a theory

                  will realize the truth and be astonished at how they could
                  have been taken in. As the Swedish scientist Søren Løvtrup
                  said, "I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the
         Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
                  greatest deceit in the history of science." For this realization to
                  come about, all the necessary scientific data are there. All that
                  remains is for some scientific circles to accept the fact.
                       In the following pages, we'll examine some scientific data
                  that have invalidated the theory of evolution; and show that
                  this great error was based on the inadequate level of 19th-cen-

                  tury science.

                                                       Dar win, exa mi ning spe ci mens with
                                                       the pri mi ti ve equ ip ment ava ilab le to
                                                       him in the 19th cen tury, fa iled to re  -
                                                       ali ze how comp lex li fe was, and thus
                                                       fell in to a serious er ror.

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