Page 14 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 14

Towards the end of the 18th century, the atmosphere was
                  found to be composed of several different gasses. While some
                  tried to explain the different ways in which these gasses
                  burned in terms of the phlogiston theory, experiments per-

                  formed with oxygen showed the theory to be invalid. As a re-
                  sult of his observing metal burning in oxygen, Antoine
                  Lavoisier, a French scientist, discovered that the weight of the
         Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
                  burning metal increased, while the amount of oxygen de-
                                                     In late 1600s, scientists proposed that fire
                                                     was caused by an invisible substance called
                                                     phlogiston. Long afterwards, however, it
                                                                  was realized that
                                                                     "phlogiston" was
                                                                      not the source
                                                                       of fire at all.

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