Page 121 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 121

Darwin persisted in citing him anyway, making him look like
                    a supporter of the very doctrine of evolutionary parallelism he
                    explicitly rejected. 64
                    In short, Darwin exploited his time's primitive scientific
                conditions to make false and prejudiced deductions; and took

                advantage of the limitations in communications in order to
                distort other scientists' findings.
                    This fact's coming to light—late though it is—is
                doubtlessly a major blow to Darwinism. Darwin received
                help from Haeckel's falsifications and portrayed embryology
                as in favor of his theory. Many people were deceived by this
                myth and in their naïve ignorance, accepted that they once

                had gills.
                    But that was then. Now it is known that embryology
                does not prove Darwinism. Now the same slogan must be re-
                iterated in the field of embryology.
                    Once upon a time, there was Darwinism!                          Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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