Page 166 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 166

every evolutionist text, with slight variations: Humanoid pri-
                  mates that were the ancestors of human beings lived among
                  the trees in the African jungles. Their spines were stooped,

                  and their hands and feet ideally shaped for clinging onto
                  branches. Africa's jungle expanses later shrank, and hu-
                  manoids migrated to the savannah. In order to be able to see
                                     above the savannah's tall grasses, they
         Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
                                         needed to stand upright, in other
                                           words on their feet. Thus it was that
                                            our ancestors came to stand and

                                            walk erect. Their hands were now
                                              off the ground; and as a result
                                                 they began using their hands
                                                   to make tools. The more
                                                     they used their hands,

                                                              Dar win was unab le to
                                                              ac co unt for "the ori gin of
                                                              spe ci es," and it can not be
                                                              re sol ved by Dar winism.

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