Page 169 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 169

into an upright position, it could not pass on this habit to its
                offspring, and evolution would not occur.
                    So, why is this Lamarckian idea, discredited for more

                than a century, still trying to impose itself on society?
                    Evolutionists say that these "just-so stories" encapsulate
                an actual process of biological evolution. They do not believe
                that necessity gives birth to evolution, but that necessity
                guides natural selection in a particular direction. They also
                believe that it causes the selection of the mutations that will
                bring about results in that direction. That is, when they main-

                tain that hominoids stood up on two feet, they are actually
                saying that it would have been advantageous for them to
                stand on two feet. Some stood up straight, with a skeleton
                that had mutated at just the right time;
                and those that stood up straight
                were chosen by natural selection.                                   Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                  Lamarck's er ro ne ous the sis was sci en ti fi cally
                  dis mant led, tho ugh at tempts are still be ing
                  ma de to fix it in peop le's minds.

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