Page 204 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 204

Once Upon a Time
                                  There Was Darwinism

                        THE FAKE MOTHS STILL REMAIN IN
                         THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM

                Alt ho ugh Kett le well's ac co unt of the "evo lu ti on of the pep pe red moth" has be en re ve aled as
                to tally unt rue, Dar wi nist so ur ces con ti nue to port ray this fra ud as sci en ti fic evi den ce. The se
                pic tu res, ta ken at Lon don's Na tu ral His tory Mu se um in Oc to ber 2003, show that myth of

                the pep pe red moth was still on disp lay in the museum's Dar win Centre.

                                                         Natural History Museum,

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