Page 206 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 206

ithin the last ten years, dinosaurs with avian
                                 feathers, or imaginary "dino-birds," have been
                             one of the Darwinist media's favorite pieces of
                  propaganda. A series of headlines about dino-birds, recon-

                  struction drawings, and persistent explanations from evolu-
                  tionist "experts" persuaded many that half-bird,
                  half-dinosaur creatures once existed.
                       The last, most exhaustive defense of this premise was
                  undertaken by Richard O. Prum and Alan Brush, both well-
                  known ornithologists, in the March 2003 issue of Scientific
                  American. In their article, "The Feather or the Bird? Which
                  Came First?", Prum and Brush were assertive, as if to finally

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