Page 209 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 209

from Prum and Brush and other
                proponents of the "dino-bird" in
                thinking that the theory of evolu-

                tion is not clear on this matter.
                He refuses to give any credence
                to the hype over the dino-
                bird, deliberately pre-
                sented as a fact, without
                evidence.                   myth.
                                            Or  nit  ho  lo  gist Alan Fe  duc  cia op  po  ses the "di  no-bird"
                    He wrote an article

                in the October 2002 issue of The
                Auk, a periodical published by the American
                Ornithologists' Union and which serves as a forum for highly
                technical discussions of ornithology. His article, "Birds are
                Dinosaurs: Simple Answer to a Complex Problem," explains
                that the theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs, avidly sup-
                ported ever since John Ostrom first proposed it in the 1970s,       Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
                rested on no scientific evidence. Feduccia also gave a detailed
                account of how such a theory was impossible, and explained

                a very important fact concerning the dino-birds said to have
                been found in China: It is not clear that the structures found
                on the fossil reptiles, presented as feathered dinosaurs, are
                feathers at all. On the contrary, there is much evidence that
                this so-called "dino-fuzz" has no relation to feathers. Feduccia

                    Having studied most of the specimens said to sport
                    protofeathers, I, and many others, do not find any credible evi-
                    dence that those structures represent protofeathers. Many

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