Page 211 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 211

Solnhofen fossils known as dendrites. Despite their plantlike
                    outlines, these features are now known to be inorganic struc-
                    tures caused by a solution of manganese from within the beds
                    that reprecipitated as oxides along cracks or along bones of
                    fossils. 154
                    Another interesting point is that all the fossil "feathered
                dinosaurs" were found in China. How could these fossils
                have come to light in China, but nowhere else in the world?
                And why weren't any feathers or feather shafts found on

                these dinosaurs, claimed by evolutionists to be feathered, in
                these Chinese formations that could so well preserve even
                such a structure as the dino-fuzz? The answer is plain: It's be-
                cause they didn't possess any avian feathers. Feduccia writes:
                    One must explain also why all theropods and other dinosaurs
                    discovered in other deposits where integument is preserved
                    exhibit no dino-fuzz, but true reptilian skin, devoid of any
                    featherlike material (Feduccia 1999), and why typically
                    Chinese dromaeosaurs preserving dino-fuzz do not normally       Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
                    preserve feathers, when a hardened rachis, if present, would
                    be more easily preserved. 155
                    So, what are these creatures, found in China, and pre-
                sented as a supposed intermediate form between reptiles and
                    Feduccia explains that some of the creatures presented as

                "feathered dinosaurs" were extinct reptiles with dino-fuzz,
                and that others were true birds:
                    There are clearly two different taphonomic phenomena in the
                    early Cretaceous lacustrine deposits of the Yixian and
                    Jiufotang formations of China, one preserving dino-fuzz fila-

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