Page 213 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 213

"feathered dinosaur" do not date back any more than 130 mil-
                lion years. However, there is an extant fossil of a true bird at
                least 20 million years older than the fossils they want to pre-

                sent as a "half bird:" Archaeopteryx. Known as the oldest bird,
                Archaeopteryx is a true bird with perfectly-formed flying mus-
                cles, feathers for flight and a normal bird's skeleton. Since it
                could soar through the skies 150 million years ago, how can
                evolutionists maintain such nonsense as to present other crea-
                tures that lived later in history as the primitive ancestors of

                    Darwinists have discovered a new method of doing so:
                cladistics, which has been frequently used in paleontology
                over the past few decades to interpret fossils. Those who pro-
                mote this method are not interested in the fossils' age; they
                only compare the measurable characteristics of extant fossils
                and, on the basis of these comparisons, devise an evolutionist
                family tree.                                                        Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
                    This method is defended on an evolutionist Internet site
                that explains the so-called rationale for positing Velociraptor,

                a much younger fossil than Archaeopteryx, as the latter's an-
                    Now we may ask "How can  Velociraptor  be ancestral to
                    Archaeopteryx if it came after it?"
                    Well, because of the many gaps in the fossil record, fossils
                    don't always show up "on time." For example, a recently dis-
                    covered partial fossil from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar,
                    Rahonavis, seems to be a cross between birds and something
                    like Velociraptor, but appears 60 million years too late. No-one

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