Page 215 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 215

One fun da men tal disc re pancy in   Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
                                              evo lu ti onists' di no-bird sce na rio is that the
                                              the ro pod di no sa urs, de pic ted as the fo re run -
                                              ners of birds, are much yo un ger than
                                              Arc ha eop teryx, the ol dest known bird. To put
                                              it anot her way, when the ropod di no sa urs,
                                              birds' al le ged an ces tors, first ap pe ared, birds
                                              we re al re ady in exis ten ce.
                                              The pic tu res show a fossil Arc haeop teryx and
                                              a reconst ruc tion.

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