Page 219 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 219

theropods, including tooth form, implantation, or replace-
                    ment.  161
                    5) Birds are warm-blooded, while reptiles are cold-

                blooded. This means that they have two very different metab-
                olisms and it's not possible that a change from one to the
                other was effected by random mutations. To remove this
                difficulty, it was proposed that dinosaurs were warm-
                blooded. But this thesis rests on no evidence and there is
                much proof to discredit it. 162
                    All this removes scientific support for the evolution-

                ist thesis about the origin of birds. The Darwinist media
                may be able to prolong the furor over the dino-bird, but it

                Birds' fe at hers are one of the struc tu res that rep re sent an im pas sab le bar ri er bet we en
                the se cre atu res and rep ti les. It is im pos sib le for fe at hers to ha ve evol ved from rep ti les'
                sca les, which ha ve a comp letely dif ferent struc ture.           Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

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