Page 222 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 222

he professor of philosophy and history of
                                 science Thomas Kuhn, in his book,  The
                              Structure of Scientific Revolutions, deals with the
                  concept of paradigm—a scientific worldview accepted at any

                  particular period of time. Sometimes scientists ally them-
                  selves closely with a paradigm, but over time as a result of
                  new discoveries, it becomes clear that their paradigm was
                  wrong. For example, at one time the commonly-held world-
                  view was Claudius Ptolemy's model of an Earth-centered
                  universe. It was a very strong paradigm, but was toppled by
                  the discoveries of Copernicus, and a new paradigm was ac-

                  cepted in its place. According to Kuhn, the world of science

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