Page 224 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 224

Once Upon a Time
                                  There Was Darwinism

                      often undergoes great paradigm shifts that are
                   called "scientific revolutions."
                      Kuhn points out that a considerable number of scien-

                tists make every effort to preserve the existing paradigm; in
                other words, they are conservative. For this reason, according to
                him, those who initiate scientific revolutions are not those with
                "scientific authority," but those still outside the scientific world or
                young minds who have just entered that world. Kuhn quotes the
                known scientist Max Planck: "A new scientific truth does not triumph
                by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather be-

                cause its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that
                is familiar with it." 163
                    Today, the scientific world is experiencing a revolution.
                Darwinism has been scientifically discredited, but individuals re-
                garded as "authorities" in the scientific community have not ac-
                cepted this. Their refusal to see the light is totally an ideological
                and dogmatic one. But it is getting weaker, and the public is aware
                of this. The name of the light beginning to glow before the eyes of
                the scientific world is the fact of Creation. Scientists who have stud-

                ied this subject assert that life is not the product of random natural
                forces as Darwin maintained, but on the contrary, is the work of a
                Creator with supreme knowledge. This Creator is God, the Lord
                of all the worlds. More and more scientists are accepting this fact
                every day, and the scientific collapse of Darwinism is being
                 clearly demonstrated ever more clearly.
                        One of the most important names in the anti-evolu-

                      tionist movement, Phillip E. Johnson of the
                         University of California at Berkeley, is certain

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