Page 229 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 229

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                     entific findings by unprejudiced individuals, has
                   led to this deception's collapse.
                     Today's Darwinists are trying to reject, hide or ignore

               the truth in order to sustain falsehood. But they are wrong; and
              in this, have deceived and humiliated themselves. In the Qur'an,
             God has revealed a verse from which Darwinists must learn a les-
                  Do not mix up truth with falsehood and knowingly hide the

                  truth. (Surat al-Baqara: 42)
                  After seeing the truth, it is right to cease resisting it and to
             embrace it. Up to now, some may have believed in the lie of evolu-
             tion because it was instilled in their minds by others. But if they
             are sincere, instead of running after a deception and being humili-
             ated in this world and the next, they will seek to find the truth and
             live according to it. Sincerity and honesty, it must not be forgotten,

             will be rewarded both in this life and the next.

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