Page 232 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
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Once Upon a Time
                                  There Was Darwinism

                     ver ted Re ti na: Ma la dap ta ti on or  san M. Gas ser, "He te roch ro ma -
                    Pre-adap ta ti on?," Ori gins & De sign,  tin: a me io tic match ma ker," Trends
                  19:2, Is sue 37, 1999.         in Cell Bi ology 7 (May 1997): pp. 201-
                 69 Ibid.                        205.
                 70 G.L. Walls, The Ver teb ra te Eye, New  86 Emi le Zuc ker kandl, "Ne ut ral and Non -
                York: Haf ner Pub lis hing Com pany, 1963, p.  ne ut ral Mu ta ti ons: The Cre ati ve Mix-Evo lu -
               652.                              ti on of Comp le xity in Ge ne In te rac ti on
               71 Mic ha el Den ton, "The In ver ted Re ti na:  Systems," Jo ur nal of Mo le cu lar Evo lu ti on, 44,
               Ma la dap ta ti on or Pre-adap ta ti on?," Ori gins &  1997, p. 53. (emphasis added)
               De sign, 19:2, Is sue 37, 1999.   87 Hu bert Re na uld and Su san M. Gas ser,
               72 T.J. McIl wa in, An Int ro duc ti on to the Bi -  "He te roch ro ma tin: a me io tic match ma ker,"
               ology of Vi si on, Camb rid ge: Camb rid ge Uni -  Trends in Cell Bi ology 7, May: 1997, pp. 201-
               ver sity Press, 1996, p. 14.      205.
               73 Mic ha el Den ton, "The In ver ted Re ti na:  88 Evo lu ti onists re sort to the Sel fish DNA the -
               Ma la dap ta ti on or Pre-adap ta ti on?,", Ori gins &  sis to ac co unt for the al le ged evo lu ti onary
               De sign, 19:2, Is sue 37, 1999.   emer gen ce of non-co ding DNA. This the sis is
               74 Char les Dar  win, The Ori gin of Spe ci es, III.  an il lu sory cla im that the re is a kind of com pe -
               ed. Chap ter 13: "Mu tu al Af fi ni ti es of Or ga nic  ti ti on among DNA com po nents that ha ve lost
               Be ings: Morp ho logy: Embr yo logy: Ru di men -  the ir func ti on. As shown in this text, the the sis
               tary Or gans."                    has be en shat  te red by this study on cryp-
               75 oci ti pe Ca na ve ral  tomonads.
               /Lab/6562/evo lu ti on/de sign go ne bad.html.  89 M.J. Be aton and T. Ca va li er-Smith, 1999,
               76 S. R. Scad ding, "Do 'Ves ti gi al Or gans'  "Eu kar yo tic non-co ding DNA is func ti onal:
               Pro vi de Evi den ce for Evo lu ti on?,"  Evo lu ti -  evi den ce from the dif fe ren ti al sca ling of cryp-
               onary The ory, Vol. 5, May, 1981, p. 173.  to mo nal ge no mes," Proc. Ro yal Soc. Lon don,
               77 Pa ul A. Nel son, "Jet ti son the Ar gu ments,  B. 266: pp. 2053-2059.
               or the Ru le? The Pla ce of Dar wi ni an The olo -  90 L.L. San dell, V.A. Za ki an, 1994, "Loss of a
               gi cal The ma ta in Evo lu ti onary Re aso ning,"  ye ast te lo me re: ar rest, re co very, and chro -
               Ac cess Re se arch Net work, 1988,  mo so me loss," Cell 75: pp. 729-739.
      son/pn_jet ti -  91 S. J. Ting 1995, "A bi nary mo del of re pe ti -
               son.html.                         ti ve DNA se qu en ce in Ca enor hab di tis ele -
               78 Ge or  ge Schal ler, H. Jinc hu, P. Wens hi,  gans," DNA Cell Bi ology, 14: pp. 83-85.
               and Z. Jing, The Gi ant Pan das of Wo long  92 E. R. Van dend ri es, D. John son, R. Re in -
               (Chi ca go: Uni ver sity of Chi ca go Press,  ke, 1996, "Ort ho den tic le is re qu ired for pho to -
               1986), 4; 58. (emp ha sis ad ded)  re cep tor cell de ve lop ment in the Dro sop hi la
               79 "Ro le of the gi ant pan da's 'pse udo-  eye," De ve lop men tal Bi ology 173: pp. 243-
               thumb," Na tu re, Vol. 397, Ja nu ary 28, 1999,  255.
               pp. 309-310.                      93 B.L. Kep lin ger, A.L. Ra be toy, D.R. Ca ve -
               80 Ibid.                          ner, 1996, "A so ma tic rep ro duc ti ve or gan en -
               81 Gretc hen Vo gel, "Ob jec ti on #2: Why Se -  han cer comp lex ac ti va tes exp res si on in both
               qu en ce the Junk?," Sci en ce, Feb ru ary 16,  the de ve lo ping and the ma tu re Dro sop hi la
               2001.                             rep ro duc ti ve tract," De ve lop men tal Bi ology
               82 Woj ci ech Ma ka lows ki, "Not Junk Af ter All,"  180: pp. 311-323.
                Sci en ce, Vol. 300, Num ber 5623, May 23,  94 J. Koh ler, S. Scha fer-Pre uss, D. Butt -
                 2003.                           ge re it, 1996, "Re la ted en han cers in the
                  83 sign  int ron of the be ta1 tu bu lin ge ne of
                    /od182/ls182.htm#anc hor569108.  Dro sop hi la me la no gas ter are es sen -
                     84 "Do es non sen se DNA spe ak its  ti al for ma ter nal and CNS-spe ci fic
                       own di alect?,"  Sci en ce News,  exp res si on du ring embr yo ge ne -
                         Vol. 164, De cem ber 24, 1994.  sis," Nuc le ic Acids Re se arch
                          85 Hu bert Re na uld and Su -  24: pp. 2543-2550.

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