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Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                    Evo lu ti on, pp.126-127.  John Brock man), New York: Si -
                   31 Richard C. Le won tin, Hu man Di -  mon & Schus ter, 1995, pp. 42-43.
                 ver sity, Sci en ti fic Ame ri can Lib rary:  51 Phil lip John son's We ekly Wed ge
                New York NY, 1995, p. 163.     Up da te, "DNA De mo ted," Ap ril 30,
                32 Henry Gee, In Se arch of De ep Ti me:  2001, -
               Be yond the Fos sil Re cord to a New His -  ekly/pj_we ekly_010430.htm.
              tory of Li fe, New York: The Free Press,  52 Ibid.
             1999, pp. 116-117.                53 Char les Dar win, The Ori gin of Spe ci es &
            33 Ber nard Wo od, Mark Col lard, "The Hu man  The Des cent of Man, New York: The Mo dern
            Ge nus," Sci en ce, vol. 284, No 5411, Ap ril 2,  Lib rary, p. 398.
            1999, pp. 65-7.                    54 Char les Dar win, "Let ter to Asa Gray," Sep -
            34 Pat Ship man, "Do ub ting Dma ni si," Ame ri -  tem ber 10, 1860, in Fran cis Dar win (ed.), The
            can Sci en tist, No vem ber- De cem ber 2000, p.  Li fe and Let ters of Char les Dar win, Vol. II
            491.                               (New York: D. App le ton and Com pany, 1896),
            35 Ro ger Le win, Bo nes of Con ten ti on, The  p. 131.
            Uni ver sity of Chi ca go Press, p. 312.  55  "Haec kel's  Fraudu lent  Charts";
            36 John R. Du rant, "The Myth of Hu man Evo -  http://www.path lo pe -
            lu ti on," New Uni ver si ti es Qu ar terly 35 (1981),  dia/17rec03.html.
            pp. 425-438.                       56 L. Ru ti me yer, "Re fe ra te," Arc hiv fur Anth -
            37 G. A. Clark and C. M. Wil ler met (eds.),  ro po lo gie, 1868.
            Con cep tu al Is su es in Mo dern Hu man Ori gins  57 Fran cis Hitc hing, The Neck of the Gi raf fe:
            Re se arch,  New York: Al di ne de Gruy ter,  Whe re Dar win Went Wrong, New York: Tick -
            1997, p. 76.                       nor and Fi elds 1982, p. 204.
            38 Jo nat han Wells, Icons of Evo lu ti on, p. 225.  58 Eli za beth Pen ni si, "Ha ec kel's Embr yos:
            39 Pa ul S. Tay lor, Ori gins Ans wer Bo ok, Eden  Fra ud Re dis co ve red," Sci en ce, Sep tem ber 5,
            Com mu ni ca ti ons, 1995, p. 35.  1997. (emp ha sis ad ded)
            40 John Whit fi eld, "Ol dest mem ber of hu man  59 Ibid. (emp ha sis ad ded)
            fa mily fo und," Na tu re, July 11, 2002.  60 Ibid.
            41 D.L. Par sell, "Skull Fos sil From Chad For -  61 Ken McNa ma ra, "Embr yos and Evo lu ti on,"
            ces Ret hin king of Hu man Ori gins," Na ti onal  New Sci en tist, vol. 12416, Oc to ber 16, 1999.
            Ge og rap hic News, July 10, 2002.  (emp ha sis ad ded)
            42 John Whit fi eld, "Ol dest mem ber of hu man  62 Jo nat han Wells, Icons of Evo lu ti on, p. 84.
            fa mily fo und", Na tu re, July 11, 2002.  63 Ibid., p. 85.
            43 "Fa ce of Yes ter day: Henry Gee on the dra -  64 Ibid., p. 86.
            ma tic dis co very of a se ven-mil li on-ye ar-old  65 Char les Dar win, "Let ter to Asa Gray," Sep -
            ho mi nid," The Gu ar di an, July 11, 2002.  tem ber 10, 1860, in Fran cis Dar win (ed.), The
            44 Henry Gee, In Se arch of De ep Ti  me, p. 5.  Li fe and Let ters of Char les Dar win , Vol. II, p.
            45 Ibid., p. 32.                   131.
            46 F. Clark Ho well, Tho ughts on the Study  66 For a de mo li ti on of Da wkins' the sis of the
            and In terp re ta ti on of the Hu man Fos sil Re -  "blind watch ma ker" see Lee Spet ner, Not By
            cord, p. 1.                        Chan ce: Shat te ring the Mo dern The ory of
            47 Tom Aba te,  San Fran cis co Chro nic le,  Evo lu ti on, Ju da ica Press, 1997; Mic ha el J.
             Feb ru ary 19, 2001.              Be he, Dar win's Black Box: The Bi oc he mi -
              48 Encyc lopædia Bri tan ni ca, "Mo dern Ma -  cal Chal len ge to Evo lu ti on, The Free
               te ri alism."                   Press, 1996; Phil lip E. John son, Dar win
                 49 Wer ner Gitt, In the Be gin ning Was  on Tri al, 2nd. ed., In ter Var sity Press,
                  In for ma ti on, CLV, Bi ele feld, Ger -  1993.
                    many, pp. 107-141.         67 Ric hard Daw kins,  The Blind
                     50 Ge or ge C. Wil li ams,  The  Watch ma ker, Lon don: Pen gu in
                       Third Cul tu re: Be yond the  Bo oks, 1986, pp. 93-94.
                         Sci en ti fic Re vo lu ti on, (ed.  68 Mic ha el Den ton, "The In -

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