Page 230 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
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Once Upon a Time
                                  There Was Darwinism

                                                 1998, pp. 53-54, 47-48, 48.
                   Notes                         13 Mic ha el J. Be he, Dar win's Black
                                                 Box; The Bi oc he mi cal Chal len ge to
                                                 Evo lu ti on, The Free Press, 1996, p. x.
                                                 14 Ibid., pp. 4-5.
                                                 15 Ge rald L. Schro eder, The Hid den Fa ce
                                                 of God, The Free Press, New York, 2001, p.
               1 Søren Løvtrup , Dar wi nism: The Re fu ta ti on  62.
               of A Myth, New York: Cro om Helm, 1987, p.  16 Mic ha el J. Be he, Dar win's Black Box, p.5.
               422.                              17 W. R. Bird, The Ori gin of Spe ci es Re vi  si -
               2 Ric hard Le akey, The Ma king of Man kind,  ted, Nash vil le: Tho mas Nel son Co., 1991, p.
               Lon don: Mic ha el Jo seph Li mi ted, 1981, p. 43.   325.
               3 Da vid Pil be am, Ame ri can Sci en tist, Vol. 66,  18 The New Encyc lo pe dia Bri tan ni ca, Chi ca -
               May-Ju ne, 1978, p. 379.          go, 1993.
               4 Jo nat han Wells earned a doctorate at Ya le  19 Ibid.
               Uni ver sity, and another for molecular and cell  20 Char les Dar win, The Ori gin of Spe ci es by
               biology at the University of California,  Me ans of Na tu ral Se lec ti on, New York: The
               Berkeley. He is al so con ti nu ing his re se arch  Mo dern Lib rary, p. 234.
               on Dar wi nism at the Dis co very Ins ti tu te in Se -  21 Alan Fe duc cia, The Ori gin and Evo lu ti on of
               att le.                           Birds, Ya le Uni ver sity Press, 1999, p. 81.
               5So me re aders may find it odd to see evo lu ti -  22 Niles Eld red ge, and Ian Tat ter sall, The
               on desc ri bed as a re li gi on, alt ho ugh this is ac -  Myths of Hu man Evo lu ti on, Co lum bia Uni ver -
               tu ally most ac cu ra te. Any re li gi on exp res ses  sity Press, 1982, pp. 45-46.  (emphasis
               ba sic prin cip les that a per son be li eves in and  added)
               which sha pe his pers pec ti ve on li fe. In im po -  23 C.P. Hick man [Pro fes sor Eme ri tus of Bi -
               sing a ma te ri alist pers pec ti ve, the the ory of  ology at Was hing ton and Lee Uni ver sity in Le -
               evo lu ti on is ba sed not on sci en ce, but on fa ith.  xing ton], L.S. Ro berts [Pro fes sor Eme ri tus of
               Among tho se who ha ve desc ri bed this the ory  Bi ology at Te xas Tech Uni ver sity], and F.M.
               as a re li gi on are such evo lu ti onists as Ju li an  Hick man, 1988, In teg ra ted Prin cip les of Zo -
               Hux ley and Pi er re Te il hard de Char din.  ology, Ti mes Mir ror/Mo seby Col le ge Pub lis -
               6 Ben ja min D. Wi ker, "Do es Sci en ce Po int to  hing, St. Lo uis, MO. 939 p. 866.
               God? Part II: The Chris ti an Cri tics", The Cri sis
               Ma ga zi ne, July-Au gust 2003, http://www.cri -  24 T. S. Kemp, Fos sils and Evo lu ti on, Ox ford
               sis ma ga zi la ug2003/fe atu re1.htm.  Uni ver sity Press, 1999, p. 246.
               7 Fran cis Dar win, The Li fe and Let ters of  25 Da vid Ber link si, Com men tary, Sep tem ber
               Char les Dar win, Vol. 2, Char les Dar win to  1996, p. 28.
               J.D. Ho oker, Down [March 29, 1863].   26 Ge rald Schro eder, Evo lu ti on: Ra ti ona lity
               8 "The Cru cib le of Li fe,"  Earth, Feb ru ary  vs. Ran dom ness, raldsch ro -
               1998.                    lu ti on.html.
               9 "The Ri se of Li fe on Earth," Na ti onal Ge og -  27 Stephen J. Gould, "An Asteroid to Die
               rap hic, March 1998.              For," Discover, October 1989, p. 65.
               10 Jo nat han Wells, Icons of Evo lu ti on, Sci en -  28 Gre gory A. Wray, "The Grand Sche me
               ce or Myth, Why Much of What We Te ach  of Li fe," Re vi ew of The Cru cib le Cre ati on:
               Abo ut Evo lu ti on is Wrong, Was hing ton, DC,  The Bur gess Sha le and the Ri se of Ani -
                Reg nery Pub lis hing, 2000, p. 21.  mals by Si mon Con way Mor ris, Trends
                  11 Je remy Rif kin, Al geny: A New World,  in Ge ne tics, Feb ru ary 1999, vol. 15,
                   Is tan bul: Ufuk Ki tap la ri, 2001, p. 133.  no. 2.
                    12 Pa ul Da vi es, C.W. [re now ned  29 Jo nat han Wells, Icons of Evo -
                      physi cist] & Adams Phil lip [jo ur na -  lu ti on, p. 31.
                        list], Mo re Big Qu es ti ons, ABC  30 Ni les Eld red  ge, Ian Tat ter -
                          Bo oks: Sydney, Aust ra lia,
                                                 sall, The Myths of Hu man

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