Page 234 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 234

Once Upon a Time
                                  There Was Darwinism

                    Pre his to ric Ani mals," Na ti onal Ge og -  147 Judith Hooper, Of Moths and
                   rap hic, Vol. 159, No. 1, Ja nu ary 1981,  Men, pp. xix–xx.
                  pp. 67-68,74; "Hor se Find De fi es Evo lu ti -  148 Ibid., p. 304.
                 on," Cre ati on Ex Ni hi lo 5(3):15, Ja nu ary  149 Ibid., p. 301.
                1983, http://www.ans wer sin ge ne  150 Robert Matt hews, "Scien tists Pick
               /docs/3723.asp.                   Holes in Dar win's Moth Theory," The Daily
               131 Jo nat han Wells, Icons of Evo lu ti on, p.  Teleg raph, Lon don, March 18, 1999.
               199; Ro yal Tru man, A re vi ew of Icons of Evo -  151 Alan Feduc cia, "Birds are Dinosaurs:
               lu ti on , www.ans wer sin ge ne  Simp le Ans wer to a Comp lex Prob lem," The
               ho me/area/ma ga zi -             Auk, Oc tober 2002, vol. 119 (4), pp. 1187-
               nes/tj/docs/tj_v15n2_icons_re vi ew.asp.  1201.
               132 O.C. Marsh, "Re cent poly dactyl hor ses,"  152 Ibid.
               Ame ri can Jo ur nal of Sci en ce, 43: 339–354,  153 Ibid.
               1892.                             154 Ibid.
               133 Bru ce J. Mac Fad den et al., "An ci ent di -  155 Ibid.
               ets, eco logy, and ex tinc ti on of 5-mil li on-ye ar-  156 Ibid.
               old hor ses from Flo ri da," Sci en  ce 283 (5403):  157 "The bird-Dino link;" http://www.geoci-
               824–827, Feb ru ary 5,1999.
               134 "Hor se and hor se mans hip,"  Encyc -  n.html
               lopædia Bri tan ni ca, 20:646655, 15th edi ti on  158 Mic hael J. Den ton,  Nature's Des tiny,
               1992.                             New York: The Free Press, 1998, p. 361.
               135 Ernst Mayr, What Evo lu ti on Is, New York:  159 David Wil liam son, "Scien tist Says Ost -
               Ba sic Bo oks, p. 16.             rich Study Con firms Bird 'Hands' Un like
               136 D.M. Ra up, "Conf licts bet we en Dar win  Those of Dinosaurs," EurekAlert, August 14,
               and pa le on to logy," Fi eld Mu se um of Na tu ral  2002,
               His tory Bul le tin 50:22, 1979.  releases/2002-08/uonc-sso081402.php.
               137 L.D. Sun der land,  Dar win's Enig ma,  160 A. El zanows ki, "A com parison of the jaw
               1988, p.78.                       skeleton in theropods and birds, with a desc -
               138 J. Berg man and G. Ho we, 'Ves ti gi al Or -  rip tion of the palate in the Ovirap toridae,"
               gans' Are Fully Func ti onal, Kan sas City: Cre -  Smith sonian Cont ributions to Paleobiology,
               ati on Re se arch So ci ety Bo oks, 1990, p. 77.  1999, 89 pp: 311–323.
               139 Pi er re-Paul Gras se, Evo lu ti on of Li ving  161 Alan Feduc cia, "Birds are Dinosaurs:
               Or ga nisms, pp. 51-52.           Simp  le Ans wer to a Comp lex Prob lem," The
               140 Uni ver sity of Flo ri da, "From the Bo ne of a  Auk, Oc tober 2002, vol. 119 (4), pp. 1187-
               Hor se, a New Idea for Airc raft Struc tures,"  1201.
               Decem ber 2, 2002,                162 V. Morell, "A Cold, Hard Look at
       Dinosaurs," Dis cover, 1996, 17 (12): pp. 98-
               hor sebone.htm.                   108.
               141 Judith Hooper, Of Moths and Men, New  163
               York: W.W. Nor ton & Com pany, Inc., 2002, p.  164 Phil lip John son, "A Step For ward in
               xvii.                             Ohio," Touchs tone, vol. 16, Is sue 1, January-
               142 Ibid., p. xviii.              Feb ruary 2003, p. 11; http://www.touchs -
               143 Ibid.                sues/16.1docs/16-1pg1
               144 Ibid.                         1.html.
                145 Jonat han Wells, Icons of Evolution,
                  pp. 141-151.
                   146 Jerry Coy ne, "Not Black and
                    White," a review of Mic hael Majerus'
                      Melanism: Evolution in Ac tion, in
                        Nature, 396 (1988), pp. 35-36.

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