Page 225 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 225

Harun Yahya
                                     (Adnan Oktar)

                     that very soon, Darwinism will be thrown into
                   the garbage can. After speaking about the new legal
                 measures in various American states that allow scientific

               proofs against Darwinism to be included in textbooks, Johnson
                  The decisive turn of events is occurring not in public school curric-
                  ula, but in the minds and writings of those who know the evidence
                  and have some independence of mind. Darwinists know they are
                  losing evidence, not gaining it, and that they are also losing public
                  support. They are desperately trying to postpone admitting, for ex-
                  ample, that peppered moths do not rest on tree trunks and that nat-
                  ural selection does not produce increases in genetic information.
                  They are also getting practice in explaining away defeats. . .  164

                  Darwinists must consider how and why their theory has been
             criticized. Most of their colleagues have become aware of all the
             evidence examined in this book. Some still ignore these proofs and
             strive to support Darwinism. Uninformed of scientific develop-
             ments, they want to live in the world of the 1950s, what they imag-
             ine to be Darwinism's finest days. If asked about proofs for
             evolution, they avidly propose the discredited Miller Experiment,

             the so-called gills in the human embryo, the story of the peppered
             moths or the fantastic horse series. They ignore the Cambrian
             Explosion, irreducible complexity and the origins of genetic infor-
             mation. But there is no longer any use for anyone influenced by
               outdated books and Darwinist propaganda to cling to this dis-
                 credited theory. We invite Darwinists to avoid falling into
                   such a situation, to discard their prejudice, accept the
                      scientific evidence and see the truth.

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