Page 214 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 214

however says its late appearance is evidence against its being a
                       missing link, it may just have lasted a long time. Such exam-
                       ples are called "ghost lineages"; we assume these animals ex-
                       isted earlier when we have probable ancient ancestors for
                       them a long way back, and perhaps possible descendants back
                       then too. 157
                       This summation shows what a huge distortion cladistics
                  is. The following point needs to be made clear: the
         Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
                  Velociraptor in the above extract is one of the fossils portrayed
                  as a supposed intermediate form in the myth of birds evolv-
                  ing from dinosaurs. Like the others, however, this is nothing

                  more than biased evolutionist interpretation. The feathers
                  seen in the imaginary reconstructions of Velociraptor merely
                  reflect evolutionists' imaginations; the fact is that there is no
                  evidence the animal had feathers at all. In addition, again as
                  we have seen in the above quotation, evolutionists manifestly
                  distort the results from the fossil record according to their
                  own theories. The only reason for supposing that a species,

                  with a 70-million-year-old fossil, actually existed 170 million
                  years earlier—and establishing an evolutionary family rela-
                  tionship on the basis of that supposition—is to distort the
                       Cladistics is a covert confession that the theory of evolu-
                  tion cannot cope with the fossil record and opens a new di-
                  mension. To sum up:
                       1) Darwin predicted that, once the fossil record was
                  studied in detail, intermediate forms would be discovered to

                  fill in the gaps between all the known species. This is what the
                  theory expected.

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