Page 216 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 216


         Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism

                  An 80-mil  li  on-ye  ar-old fossil Ve  lo  ci  rap  tor and along  si  de, its ima  gi  nary re  const  ruc  ti  on.
                  Ve  lo  ci  rap  tor is one of the fos  sils put for  ward as an al  le  ged tran  si  ti  onal form in the ta  le of how
                  birds evol  ved from di  no  sa  urs. Li  ke the ot  hers, ho  we  ver, this is not  hing mo  re than evo  lu  ti  onists'
                  bi  ased in  terp  re  ta  ti  on. The fe  at  hers shown in the dra  wing are to  tally ima  gi  nary; in fact, there is

                   no eviden  ce that it had feat  hers.

                       2) But 150 years of work in paleontology has produced
                  no intermediate forms, and no traces of these creatures have
                  been discovered. This is a great defeat for the theory.
                       3) In addition to the fact that no intermediate forms have
                  been found, the age of those creatures posited as ancestors of
                  others only on the basis of comparison is also in dispute. A

                  creature that appears more "primitive" may have appeared in
                  the fossil record later than a creature that seems more "devel-
                       So, at this point, evolutionists were constrained to de-
                  velop the inconsistent method known as cladistics.

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