Page 28 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 28

Once Upon a Time
                                  There Was Darwinism

                      been a process of evolution on Earth. On the con-
                   trary, however, all fossils reveal a natural history com-
                 pletely at odds with Darwin's theory: Species did not come
                into existence by stages through any process of evolution, but

                were created in all their perfection in one instant.
                    3. They think that the celebrated Archaeopteryx fossil proves
                their thesis that birds evolved from reptiles. But it is now known
                that Archaeopteryx was a true bird, capable of flight, and no reptile
                ancestor has ever been found. Not a single piece of evidence re-
                mains to support the evolutionists' claim that birds evolved from
                    4. For years, "the evolution of the horse" was portrayed as one
                of the best documented proofs of the theory of evolution. Four-

                legged mammals that had lived in different periods were set out in
                order of size, from small to large, and this "horse series" was exhib-
                ited in museums of natural history. Research in recent years, how-
                ever, has shown that the creatures in the sequence are not one
                another's ancestors, that the sequencing is seriously flawed, and
                that creatures depicted as the ancestor of the horse actually
                emerged after it.
                    5. They believe that England's famous Industrial Revolution
                moths offer a proof of evolution by natural selection. However, the
                color change that occurred in moths during the Industrial
                Revolution has been proven not to be the result of natural selec-

                tion. These butterflies did not change color; it was only that
                  there were more pale moths at first but environmental con-
                    ditions diminished their numbers, while the number of
                       dark-colored moths increased. After this claim
                          was realized to be a scientific fraud, evolu-

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