Page 30 - Once Upon a Time There Was Darwinism
P. 30
Once Upon a Time
There Was Darwinism
of evolution" in their mothers' womb or in the egg.
They even say that a human embryo has gills that subse-
quently disappear. These claims have been shown to be com-
pletely unfounded and to rest on a major scientific fabrication.
An evolutionist biologist by the name of Ernst Haeckel first made
this claim; he deliberately made changes in his drawings to suggest
that the embryos were similar to one another. Later, even evolu-
tionist scientists came to accept that his claim was based on an un-
scientific fabrication.
The Ame ri can bi olo gist Jo nat han Wells
and his bo ok, "Icons of Evo lu ti on:
Sci en ce or Myth? Why Much
of What We Te ach Abo -
ut Evo lution is